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Sujet : Diplômes : minimum requis par l'immigration japonaise

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    novembre 2004
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    Par défaut Diplômes : minimum requis par l'immigration japonaise


    Je voudrais savoir si un DU ( Diplome d'Université ) était suffisant aux yeux de l'immigration japonaise pour l'obtention d'un visa de travail.

    J'ai déjà posté cette question dans deux forums différents mais je ne parviens pas à avoir une réponse satisfaisante :

    Le problème est que le site de l'immigration utilise les termes suivants :

    A diploma or a certificate of graduation with a major in a subject relating to the activity of the person concerned
    ( )

    Pour moi, cela correspond aussi à un DU et pas uniquement à une License comme certains le disent.

    Une idée?

    Merci !
    Dernière modification de JM, 20/01/2013 à 02h28

  2. #2
    mai 2001
    Le monde entier
    15 265
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    Par défaut Même sans

    A mon humble avis, le diplôme n'est pas le problème et le site des services d'immigration est trop restrictif.
    Si ton employeur juge que ton niveau d'études correspond au poste à pourvoir, même sans diplôme, tu pourras travailler au Japon. Mon entreprise envoie régulièrement des Français là-bas et le fait d'être en possession de tel ou tel diplôme n'entre jamais en ligne de compte.

    Il s'agit, peut être, d'une simple barrière destinée à décourager un afflux de demandes illégitimes.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    juin 2005
    Tokyo, il fut, Tokyo il n'est plus
    Remercié 6 Fois dans 6 Messages

    Par défaut

    Mais de toutes facons, l'entreprise d'accueil est le seul biais pour avoir un visa, non?

    Donc, a partir du moment ou l'entreprise t'a choisi et te fournit le certificate of Eligibility (CoE).... Ca ne pose pas de probleme, non?
    Du Japon et autres choses:
    Rien que du Japon:

  4. #4
    mai 2001
    Le monde entier
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    Par défaut C'est bien ça

    C'est le point que je désirais soulever. L'entreprise se charge des démarches et j'imagine mal les services d'immigration imposer alors un certain niveau d'études et/ou une spécialité déterminée.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    juin 2005
    Tokyo, il fut, Tokyo il n'est plus
    Remercié 6 Fois dans 6 Messages

    Par défaut

    J'ai voulu preciser les choses car, vu la facon comment humandesigner presentait la chose, j'avais l'impression qu'il ignorait le coup du CoE...
    Juste par exces de prudence...

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    septembre 2002
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    Par défaut

    Pour avoir été en mon temps un spécialiste de l'immigration nippone.
    C'est pas aussi facile.

    Il n'y a pas de visa travail unique, mais tout un tas de visa te permettant ensuite de travailler ou non.
    Donc a quel type de visa tu postules ?
    Si c'est pour être prof, sache que tu es exempté de diplome (A revérifier).

    Il y a tout un tas de petite clause, donc a quel type de visa tu appliques ?

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    juin 2005
    Tokyo, il fut, Tokyo il n'est plus
    Remercié 6 Fois dans 6 Messages

    Par défaut

    Il n'y a pas de visa travail unique, mais tout un tas de visa te permettant ensuite de travailler ou non.
    Donc a quel type de visa tu postules ?
    Plusieurs types de visa? Mais le principe reste le meme, non? Il te faut le CoE? Tu ne peux pas y aller en chomeur avec un visa, non?

    Je commence a etre perdu...

  8. #8
    Senior Member Avatar de Shigu
    juillet 2004
    Sendaii, Miyagi, parce que ça" bouge" ici !
    Remercié 8 Fois dans 7 Messages

    Par défaut

    Citation Envoyé par icebreak
    Si c'est pour être prof, sache que tu es exempté de diplome (A revérifier).
    Pas vraiment. Sans diplome, en etant prof, tu ne peux faire que des ecoles prives et pour 1/2 heures par semaine seulement.
    Le minimum a avoir (ce que toutes les ecoles demandent), c'est uen license universitaire. (maitrise FLE étant la mailleure chose à avoir).

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    janvier 2002
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    Par défaut

    Il me semble que desormais un niveau minimum d'etudes soit requis, par les services d'immigration, pour etre prof. En effet, on m'a dit qu'une ecole privee s'etait vue refuser une demande de visa pour une prof qu'elle voulait embaucher parce que celle-ci n'avait pas le niveau d'etudes requis.
    Dans les ecoles privees, la maitrise FLE n'est pas forcement un plus. Il faut surtout que les eleves soient contents de la prestation du prof. C'est le critere numero 1.

    "Il vaut mieux aller au boulanger qu'au médecin".[/u]

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    septembre 2002
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    Par défaut

    Je parle pas d'embauche mais de Visa.
    Et puis si la boite te veux vraiment meme sans les qualifications, pas de probleme.

    Théoriquement, ta pas besoin du COE, mais ça t'accèlère la procédure. Tu pourrais faire ta demande sans, mais c'est plus difficile.

    Pour être prof c'est le Specialist in Humanities.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities for research, research guidance, or education as professor, assistant professor, or assistant, etc. at universities, equivalent educational institutions, or technical colleges (koto senmon gakko).


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities for the arts that provide income, including those carried out by composers, songwriters, artists, sculptors, craftspeople, photographers, etc.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Missionary and other religious activities conducted by members of foreign religious organizations.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    News coverage and other journalistic activities conducted on the basis of a contract with a foreign journalistic organization, such as a foreign newspaper company, news agency, broadcasting station, documentary movie company, etc. (Specifically, activities carried out by newspaper journalists, magazine journalists, report writers, editorial chiefs, editors, media photographers, television and radio announcers, etc., including freelancers.)


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to commence the operation of international trade or other business, to invest in international trade or other business and to operate or manage that business, or to operate or manage international trade or other business on behalf of foreign nationals (including foreign corporations) who have begun such an operation or have invested in such a business. The business in question must meet certain conditions of scale. Applicants who wish to engage in business management must fulfill certain conditions concerning work status and personal history.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to engage in legal or accounting business. Applicants must be attorneys or public accountants certified to perform their duties in Japan, or those with other legal qualifications recognized by Japan.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to engage in medical treatment service. Applicants must be physicians, dentists, or those with other medical qualifications, and must be qualified under Japanese law and fulfill certain conditions concerning work status, etc.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to engage in examinations, surveys, research, etc. on the basis of a contract with a public or private organization in Japan. Applicants must fulfill certain conditions concerning personal history and work status.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to engage in language instruction and other education at elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, schools for the blind, handicapped children's schools, miscellaneous schools (kakushu gakko and senshu gakko), or other educational institutions equivalent to kakushu gakko in facilities and curriculum.


    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to engage in service that requires technological skill and/or knowledge pertinent to physical science, engineering, or other natural science fields, on the basis of a contract with a public or private organization in Japan. Applicants must fulfill certain conditions concerning personal history and work status.


    Specialist in Humanities/
    International Services*
    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to engage in service that requires knowledge pertinent to jurisprudence, economics, sociology, or other human science fields. Activities to engage in service that requires specific ways of thought or sensitivity based on experience with foreign culture, such as interpreting, translation, copywriting, fashion design, interior design, sales, overseas business, information processing, international finance, design, or public relations and advertising based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan.
    Applicants must fulfill certain conditions concerning personal history and work status.


    Intracompany Transferee*
    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities on the part of personnel who are transferred to business offices in Japan for a limited period of time from business offices that are established in foreign countries by public or private organizations with head offices, branch offices, or other business offices in Japan and who engage at these business offices in the activities described in the "Engineer" or "Specialist in Humanities/International Services" sections of this table. Applicants must fulfill certain conditions concerning personal history and work status.


    (1 year, 6 months, or 3 months)
    Activities to engage in theatrical performances, arts, song, dance, musical performances, sports, or any other show business. Applicants must fulfill certain conditions concerning personal history, work status, and form of entertainment.
    Activities such as the production of television programs or movies, the photographing of models, etc. Applicants must fulfill certain conditions concerning work status.


    Skilled Labor*
    (3 years or 1 year)
    Activities to engage in service that requires industrial techniques or skills belonging to special fields on the basis of a contract with a public or private organization in Japan. Applicants must fulfill certain conditions concerning personal history and work status.


    Et ce que l'on doit avoir pour etre prof :

    Specialist in
    Services The applicant must fulfill the following conditions. However, these conditions shall not apply in cases where the applicant plans to engage in work involving proxy duties in procedures relating to international arbitration cases as designated in Article 58-2 of the Foreign Lawyer's Law (Law No. 66 of 1986).
    1. When planning to engage in work requiring knowledge in the humanities, the applicant must have acquired the relevant knowledge by graduating from college majoring in a subject relevant to the knowledge required for performing the work concerned, or by receiving an equivalent or higher level of education, or by accumulating at least 10 years of practical experience in the planned work (including the period of time spent majoring in a subject related to the required knowledge at college, "Koto senmongakko", senior high school, the latter half of unified secondary school, or during specialized course of study at an advanced vocational school ("Senshugakko")).
    2. When planning to engage in work requiring specific ways of thought or sensitivity based on experience with foreign culture, the applicant must fulfill the following conditions:

    The applicant is to engage in translation, interpretation, language instruction, public relations, advertising, overseas transactions, fashion or interior design, product development, or other similar work.

    The applicant must have at least 3 years of experience in work relating to the relevant job. However, this does not apply if the applicant has graduated from college and is planning to engage in work involving translation, interpreting, or language instruction.

    3. The applicant should receive no less salary than a Japanese national would receive for comparable work.


    Vous avez bien lu, les 3 ans ne s'appliquent pas si on veut bosser dans la traduction, L'interprétarait et l'enseignement des langues.

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