Bonjour a tous,

J'ai besoin d'un Dev Java pour l'ajout d'un module a un opensource:
De preference a Tokyo ou au Japon.
Openbravo POS 2.30.2 or Unicenta POS register.
Language: Java. Database is MySQL. Host OS: Win/MacOS.

Desire customer tracking for loyalty program.
Customer identified by scanning loyalty card in Openbravo POS.
Customers accumulate points based on percentage of sales, configurable.
Points have a lifetime threshold, configurable.
Receipt shows customer name and current point total.
Modify receipt to B5 format and also the content.
Create a new payment method to use the accumulated point.
Backing up the data must happen with current backup of the database.

Optional: Complete the japanese version.

Je suis en plein rush, et il me faudrait un devis (meme approximatif)
D'ici mardi soir (30 Juillet 2013).
Le projet en lui meme n'a pas de deadline pour le moment.

Merci de me repondre par MP.
