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Sujet : le heron

  1. #1
    Senior Member Avatar de asagiri
    juin 2002
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    Par défaut le heron


    on dit qu`un jour on vit un heron blanc rester a cette endroit bien connu
    depuis c`est le symbole du lieu visite quotidiennent
    quel est cet endroit

    indice Kami et Tama

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    février 2005
    Edimbourg (UK)
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    Par défaut

    Les sources Thermales de Dogo ?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de asagiri
    juin 2002
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    Par défaut Dogo Onsen


    tres tres bien , vous etes tres fort  メザニオ :lol:
    Dogo Onsen
    Dogo Onsen, one of the oldest and best-known hot spring spas in Japan, was visited by several Emperors and Empresses, noblemen and noblewomen as early as the 5th century.

    From the Dogo Onsen Streetcar Terminal, 5 minutes' walk along the shopping arcade will bring you to an ornate Japanese-style building, the Dogo Onsen Honkan, the main public bathhouse run by the city.

    There are two baths -- Kami-no-yu and Tama-no-yu. The former is more popular than the latter. Many local people visit Kami-no-yu every day, to enjoy meeting people as well as taking a bath.

    To the Japanese people in general, hot springs are not only for healing physical ailments but also for recreation. The alkaline water containing minerals is supposed to be good for rheumatism, skin diseases, wounds and so on.

    The drum-beating from the small pavilion on top of the main building is meant as an invitation. The first beating at 6:30 a.m. signals the opening of the house, followed by a second beating at noon. The last at 6:00 p.m. is for evening bathers.

    The carved white heron surmounting the pavilion roof is the symbol of Dogo Onsen.

    Legend says that long, long ago a wounded white heron was seen to bathe here as if it knew the healing effect of the hot spring.

    Both Kami-no-yu and Tama-no-yu are divided into men's and women's baths, and by different ranks of service such as tea with cake, cotton kimono or private saloon.

    The neighborhood of Dogo Onsen has many places of interest. Isaniwa-jinja Shrine, a gracious vermilion-lacquered building, built in 1667 by the then Matsudaira lord, is one of the three best examples of Hachiman-zukuri architecture in Japan.

    This neighborhood was the political center of Iyo when the Iyo Suigun seamen led by the Kono Clan reigned supreme from the 13th to 16th centuries. Dogo Koen Park was the site of the Konos' castle destroyed in 1585 when Hideyoshi subjugated the whole island of Shikoku. Its ancient moats and ramparts still remain.

    Shiki Memorial Museum in the same park is a literary museum dedicated to Masaoka Shiki. The modern white building houses a large collection of writings, photographs, videos and documents concerning Shiki. Biographical sketches are also provided of poets and writers who helped him with his literary activities, carrying on his shasei realism after his early death.
    en anglais desole

    on voit pas bien le Heron blanc
    bravo encore Zarkis!!! et meci a tous celles et ceux qui m`ont lu
    il fallait quand meme connaitre Kami no Yu (bain des Kami) et Tama no Yu (bain de l`Esprit)

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