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Sujet : Origine du Japonais

  1. #11
    décembre 2005
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    Now, let's look at northern han chinese face.

    Perception of Facial Esthetics by Native Chinese Participants by Using Manipulated Digital Imagery Techniques
    Sample population

    The Chinese rater group consisted of 85 native Chinese participants from Beijing. Of these raters, 38 were women, and 47 were men (45% women and 55% men). Their mean age was 26.3 ± 5.3 years.

    Manipulated digital imagery technique

    An adult native Chinese male and female stimulus face (A) was selected for digital distortion (Figures 1 and 2 ). Both subjects were 24 years old and were chosen because they exhibited Class I occlusions with average dental proclination and balanced lower facial skeletal proportions previously established as norms for this population. They were meant to be representative of the average facial profile for this ethnic group. Because the Chinese have a shorter than average anterior cranial base and a dental proclination greater than Caucasian norms, their “normal” profile would be classified, by Caucasian standards, as bimaxillary protrusive.29,30 This profile was selected as representative of the “normal” Chinese participant.

    FIGURE 1. The “normal” Chinese male stimulus face (A) with a balance of dental and skeletal proportions

    FIGURE 2. The “normal” Chinese female stimulus face (A) with a balance of dental and skeletal proportions

  2. #12
    décembre 2005
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    Earlier, I made a rough assumption that:

    60-70% of japanese are from korea.
    30-40% of japanese are from the north of sibelia.

    which is confirmed by the results in genetic analysis.

    Now I will complete my posts by quoting the japanese people who are born in the country which is one of the closest to Korean Peninsula. Choshu.

    Japanese Modernization actually comes from the union of Choshu (Yamaguchi-ken, Korea or Continental) and Satsuma (Kagoshima-ken, Native islanders such as Ainu, Ryukyuan, Jomon) Clan. It may be possible to compare the two? I think it is a nice idea to see the immediate differences with the earlier posted picture capturing only native islanders (mainly Satsuma clan).

    Let's now look at the central japanese people (Yayoi aka Korean), born in Choshu (Yamaguchi-ken). I chose them because of the traditional baku-han system which forbids the moving of people between state defined prefectures. These Samurai belong to their lords regardless of locations, so the most samurai forms secluded community based on some central isle lords like Ouchi, Mouri clans. This makes them particularly more interesting than the modern japanese who could move between the prefectures with freedom

    Ito Hirobumi, the first prime minister of Japan, born in Choshu

    He is a central japanese from Yamaguchi-ken. Geographically, Yamaguchi is one of the closest country to Korea. He could be one of the Korean-origin Japanese.

    His obsession with Korea is known by his infamous annexation of Korea.

  3. #13
    décembre 2005
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    Another Yayoi (aka Korean descent) Japanese, Born in Choshu

    Okuma Shigenobu, The minister of Foreign Affair

    He is from Choshu, Yamaguchi. He is a typical central Japanese.
    His look is in contrast to those Shimazu-clan and northern japanese noble.

  4. #14
    décembre 2005
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    Katsura Taro, Prime Minister, Born in Choshu (Korean related)

    He is the most tactful politician devising the overthrow of Shogun Regime, and hand the power back to imperial family. He was sent to Germany to learn strategy and tactics.

    As with Ito Hirobumi, the first prime minister of Japan, his background is humble, and from not so wealthy background.

  5. #15
    décembre 2005
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    Yamagata Aritomo, Prime Minister of Japan, Born in Choshu (Korean Related)

    His background is the low-ranking samurai. He is most likely a Yayoi Japanese.

  6. #16
    décembre 2005
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    Now Let's assess the Chinese appearance. We'll take samples from the historical figures again for the reasons that they are less subject to the mixes with other asian, or even caucasoids. I tried to choose samples mostly from southern han chinese because of morphological results stating the closer proximity to general japanese population including both jomon and yayoi

    Note: Northern and Southern han chinese comprises 90% of total population in china.

    Yuan Shikai, Han Chinese General, Republic president, dictator and chinese emperor

    Yuan Shikai again

  7. #17
    décembre 2005
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    Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Communist Party of China

    Sun Yat-sen

    Zhou Enlai, Premier of People's Republic of China

  8. #18
    décembre 2005
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    K'ung Hsiang-hsi, Chinese Banker and Politician

    Hu Hanmin, chinese Premier of Kuomintang

    Jiang, Qing, Mao Zedong's Third wife

    Wang Dan in Taipet, 2004, A leader of Chinese Democracy movement

    Vice Predisident of PRC

  9. #19
    décembre 2005
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    Observe that eyes of chinese are almost all double eyelids with obscure lines. Also, their facial structure especially around eyes and eyebrows are almost flat.

    Now looking back japanese eyes, they don't usually have a double eyelid, but the facial surfaces between eyes and eyebrows are not flat, more depth in 3 dimension. Protruding eyebrow and sunken eyes.

    JAPANESE FACE: (Ryukyuan/Ainu/Jomon)


    CHINESE: Eyes are generally placed flat to the facial surface with the double eyelids. Also notice that eye and eyebrows are positioned on almost the same level, giving even flater impressions. The epicanthic fold are heavily expressed (when expressed highly, the eyelid looks single). Jaws are wider, and possibly roundly formed

    JAPANESE: Eyes are placed deeper inside the skull, giving the sunken eyes with single eyelid, or double eyelids formed along with skull (in chinese face, double eyelids are simply formed with eye folds. Japanese double eyelids, if any, have a clear line aligned with skulls, and expressed outerior on the face surface as opposed to chinese interior eyelid). Epicanthic folds not highly expressed, but idyosyncrasies of eyes are expressed as the narrowly visible are of the eyes. Jaws are narrow, and possible crooked teeth are often observed

  10. #20
    décembre 2005
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    The best representative Korean face we can get is indeed this face:

    Let's now look at KOREAN population who is thought be most related to modern central japanese. Their phenotype is known to be closest to Mongolian (South Sibelia).

    Average (not necessarily typical) Korean face

    Korean scientists allegedly produced what they call, "the average Korean face". The Korean Institute of Science and Technology information (KISTI) working together with the Catholic Institute for Applied Anatomy made computer tomographic scans of Koreans last year and with the aid of a supercomputer produced a "digital Korean" -- a 3-D video of the average Korean's physical structure.

    Do you see much differences from the northen japanese? They don't look like above japanese, esp northernmost and southernmost japanese, do they?
    If I dare to make any summary of Korean skulls, jaws are squared, and but possibly narrow. However, the genetic result shows that they are far more highly mixed with Chinese population, so many of korean are indistinguishable from Chinese. Surface level of eyes to the eyebrow are generally similar to Chinese, although Korean has the even stronger epicanthic fold and a deep single eyelid which can only be fixed with surgery.

    Instead of posting Korean politician's pics which look to have the more Chinese features than native Altaic Tunguistic features, I will post some modern popular actor's photos, which seem to be original inhabitants in the Korean Peninsula

    KOREAN FACE: thinner, lighter eyebrows, flatter faces and noses, rounder faces, and the rear parts of their jawbones are more square

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