Afficher la version complète : Un effort futile pour sauver le hanko ?

17/08/2006, 22h00
J'ai hésité à poster ce sujet dans le forum Nouvelles Technologies car l'objet dont il est question est (pour l'instant) purement mécanique. Cependant, le problème de l'identification et de l'authentification, même entièrement matérielle, est désormais indissociable des technologies numériques — au moins pour les moyens de fraudes que celles-ci apportent.

« The seams of this hanko identification system are in danger of coming apart, recently. Yes, digital fraud is shaking the system from the bottom.

Door-picking artist quietly breaks and enters victim's house and nicks bank account passbook. The passbook, especially old ones, usually carries the seal image on the first page. The joker scans this image and prints it on the withdrawal slip with color printer. The bank teller accepts this slip and passbook as authentic, and victim's account will be emptied. Sometimes, the scanned digital image goes to hanko carving machine, too.

The real cause of trouble: It's the stamped image of one's hanko that is stored in the databases of goverment offices, banks and other public institutions. Not the particulars of physical hanko itself! And any image can be flawlessly reproduced in this era of digital processing. QED. »

Lire le reste de l'article A futile effort to prop up hopeless Hanko system? (http://asia.cnet.com/reviews/blog/mobileojisan/0,39050793,39390184,00.htm) de Matsushita Shuji.