Afficher la version complète : Vol Japon - 10.000 billets pour le japon

31/10/2011, 13h07

si cela n'a pas été fait déja ,je signale que le ministère du tourisme japonais ,offre 10.000 billets d'avion ,à des personnes qui ont un projet concernant le Japon ,et qui seront retenus

10,000 Free Flights to Japan

October 14, 2011

The Japan Tourism Agency has proposed giving away 10,000 free flights to Japan next year as part of efforts to revive the tourism industry, in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami in March. The unprecedented give away has been proposed so that through visiting Japan people can experience for themselves that the destination is safe and still a fantastic destination for a holiday and then spread this message to others via Facebook, Twitter, blogs and word of mouth.

The 10,000 free Japan flight give-away is subject to government budget approval but could start by April next year. If the give away goes ahead Japan National Tourism Organization’s London office will be announcing details for how to apply for free flights to Japan via Twitter @experiencejapan, Facebook at Visit Japan from the UK and their website, www.seejapan.co.uk.

Please understand the Japan flight give away is at this stage a proposal for an initiative to be carried out from April 2012 onwards. It is still under examination for government budgetary approval and is at this moment undecided. If the initiative is confirmed and put into operation, Japan Tourism Agency will officially announce details on Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) websites worldwide.

“When people visit Japan they fall in love with it. So rather than spend millions on a big advertising campaign, we hope to be able to give away free flights so people can go and experience Japan for themselves and then tell their family, friends and colleagues what a fantastic destination it is for a holiday.

Last week it was announced that Japan was voted favourite long-haul country and Tokyo favourite overseas city in The Guardian & Observer Travel Awards 2011. Readers gave Japan a whopping 98.9% satisfaction score and Tokyo a brilliant 98.2%. This is the second year in a row readers have voted Tokyo their favourite overseas city. We hope this will help assure people that Japan is a fantastic destination for a holiday. If you haven’t been yet, come soon! There are lots of great bargains to be found on Japan flights and hotels so there’s no need to wait for free flights”, said Kylie Clark, Head of PR & Marketing, Japan National Tourism Organization.

To find great deals on Japan flights, hotels and holidays visit www.seejapan.co.uk/latest-offers.

WARNING: There have been reports in some countries of emails circulating that fraudulently claim to be from the Japan Tourism Ministry asking people to submit copies of their passport to apply for a free flight to Japan. These emails are not from us. The flight give away is still undecided so no applications are being accepted at the moment. Please ignore such emails and check JNTO websites for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

If you are looking for travel and tourism information on Japan, please visit the website of the JNTO office that covers Japan tourism promotion in your country. A full list of JNTO worldwide offices can be found here..


31/10/2011, 23h24
Euh...je crois que la même information est donnée un peu plus bas sur la page...

04/11/2011, 12h06

En effet ,désolé ...

07/11/2011, 13h44
Mais j'ai lu que cela n'etait pas encore certain et que cela est valide, ce serait pour fevrier.