Afficher la version complète : Cérémonie Tsukimi

18/09/2010, 12h49

Une tradition millénaire au japon,TSUKIMI ou OTSUKIMI (月見)1604
photo à Kyôto
mais cela existe dans tout le Japon,pour celles et ceux qui se rendent au Japon en septembre(la chaleur est moindre en automne ,surtout cette année c'était la canicule cet été)
Donc si on est au Japon en automne TSUKIMI tombe le 22.9 cette année

voici qq adresses que j'ai C/P d'une façon éhontée que l'on me pardonne,mais c'est pour la bonne cause

O-tsukimi, the day the moon shines at its brightest

In the ancient Japanese calendar, the 15th day of the 8th month was the day in which the moon appeared most brightly and clearly. We now know that this phenomenon is caused by the relationship between the positions and angles of the sun and moon, but in ancient times, this special day was referred to as "Jugo-ya" (the night of the fifteenth day), and together with making offerings in prayer for a good harvest, people got together for "O-tsukimi" (Moon Viewing). This custom is still alive and strong today.
This year "Jugo-ya" is on September 22! A great many of Kyoto's temples and shrines play host to a rich variety of O-tsukimi events, including moon viewing aboard boats floating in ponds, serving of tsukimi-dango (sweet dumplings) and nigori-zake (a cloudy and sweet variety of sake), and concerts!

Daikaku-ji Temple
Date and time: September 22 (Wed) - 24 (Fri) 17:00 - 21:00
Entrance fee: 500 yen
Contact: 075-871-0071
Access: "Daikaku-ji" bus stop on City Bus/Kyoto Bus
Tickets for boat seats are also on sale at 1500 yen each. Tickets can only be purchased on the day, so please be aware that they may sell out.

Yasaka-jinja Shrine Gion-sha Kangetsu-sai (Moon Viewing Festival)
Date and time: September 22 (Wed) 17:45 - around 21:00
Entrance fee: Free
Contact: 075-561-6155
Access: "Gion" bus stop on City Bus

Kamigamo-jinja Shrine Kamo-kangetsu-sai (Moon Viewing Festival)
Date and time: September 22 (Wed) 17:00 -
Entrance fee: Free
Contact: 075-781-0011
Access: "Kamigamo-jinja-mae" bus stop on City Bus

Visitors are served nigori-zake and tsukimi-dango on a first-come-first-serve basis. A mini-concert is also scheduled to be held!

18/09/2010, 13h35
Tsukimi est également un kigo (mot de saison) utilisé dans la composition de haïkus.

Saka zukite shinnoza ni tsuku tsukimi kana

Ayant vidé nos coupes
Nous prenons place
Pour contempler la lune

(traduction Maurice Coyaud)

18/09/2010, 16h57

oui Tsukimi est un mot de saison

潮時で (しおどきで)
満月 (まんげつの下に)
浦波 (うらなみは)

juste un petit essai ,c'est dur de se mesurer aux plus grands...

23/02/2011, 23h49
Merci pour l'info l'ami ! ;-)